Do you know how many Yoga studios limit themselves and stop growing because they offer the same thing all over?

I’m an Ashtanga teacher. But I teach in principles and enrich my classes infusing things from other lineages creating a particular style.

If you ever want to try, the process is simple. We have a quick 30min meeting where we settle the details for the workshop like dates, fees and so on. Then I go to your place and I do what I’m best at. After, if you are happy and want to make more of these, we figure out when you’d like to fit me in for the next one.

There are only so many people doing something different here in Croatia. As far as I know, not many people knows about the stuff I’m bringing into Ashtanga in Croatia. And I see a general lack of understanding as a result of a big groups teaching.

More and more Ashtanga practitioners are getting familiar with the Universal Principles and how the body respond to these, developing a more enjoyable, deep and without injuries practice. The understanding and feeling of knowing what they are doing facilitates transformation not only in the physical but beyond. They can start changing their mental patterns, which change their character and eventually their own fate.



This workshop would be an introduction into Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

This workshop is mainly designed for complete beginners. Although, a more seasoned practitioners would be able to take a few things to their pockets about the foundations. The reason is that no (so called) ‘traditional’ teacher knows this stuff.

And this is where my job begin. To create a living tradition and add some spices which will help you understand the intricacies of ‘how’ rather than ‘what’ to practice.


Let’s have a look to the explanations of the course.

The Ashtanga Initiation workshop is divided in two formats: a 3h workshop and a 3 day initiation.


  • Brief explanations on the foundations of the practice

  • Q & A

  • Pranayama + Guided class (half Primary Series)


The three days will have the same structure:

  • Basics about the foundations of the practice

  • Q & A

  • Pranayama + Guided class (half Primary Series)

If this resonates with you and would like to have a try in your space, please contact me through the form below: